Monday, 17 March 2014

I am childish!

By Naeem Afzal Chughtai
On 17/03/2014
Phone No. +92-346-5151517

I am childish!

There lives a boy in my city. Coincidently, he is my namesake. I used to greet him when he went by. Sometime ago he told my friends that I was childish. For a moment, I became anxious and began to think about how I appeared to others when my friends informed me of his words. However, my broodiness came to a halt when I decided it was a matter of jealousy.

As a good boy, I swallowed my anger and didn't seek to interrogate him, but after that I was reluctant to greet him when he passed by, thinking it might be an act of childishness. I don't really know why he spoke ill of me, because I never scrounged free meals nor sponged money off him. I never sent him a text to find out the score of a Pakistan and India cricket match. In short, I didn't owe him a favour.

It has been rightly said, "think before you speak."  This day had to come. I was standing on the other side of the road while he was on the opposite side. I was looking both ways before crossing the road when he shouted my name with respect. I was astounded to hear this out of his mouth. He came to me and asked me to provide him with English tuiton. In reply to that, I said, I would definitely give you English tuition if I weren't childish.


1 comment:

  1. Really good writing and I loved reading it. The very important aspect of fiction writing is to first brainstorm the topic and then list down the important ideas in a sequential way. Similarly, we have to keep the reader involved and guessing till the solution or resolution of the conflict. An effective use of figure of speech and literary devices enliven your story.
